Yesterday was a fun day, despite the craptacular weather. I mean it has seriously been raining lately, like thunderstorm kind of raining. Anyway, Eve's annual hula performance was yesterday so we headed to Kaaawa hoping the rain would hold off for her to dance. It mostly held off and the kids were adorable as usual. We're taking next semester off from hula because I have Tuesday night classes and with CRH's new schedule it's almost impossible to get her there on time. I hope we pick it back up in January, but we shall see.
On the way to the ranch where she performed, we stopped at Sunset Beach. Pretty much all week long, monk seals have been coming up on the beach there. Last Sunday, I noticed 2 and yesterday there were 2 as well. We stopped to seal stalk and take pictures. We got a good laugh over the tourist telling his family that the seal probably wasn't sleeping. We assured him that they were in fact sleeping and not dead as he suspected.
Another weird random thing that occurred was on the way to hula, we stopped in Laie for CRH to climb a plumeria tree to get the flowers for her hair. As he is literally up in the tree, a guy walks by carrying a chicken under his arm and asked if we could give him a ride. I'd like to point out that they way I was parked, he had no clue which direction we were going.
Today has been a totally laid back Mother's Day. I picked Eve up around lunchtime from my friend, Khristy's house and we have hung around the house all day doing absolutely nothing because of the rain but as my mother pointed out, it's nice to be able to do that sometimes! Eve gave me the coolest gift ever, one I'm sure to have until I'm in the home. Her class published "All About Me" books for the year that were bound and are the cutest things ever. I LOVE it! It reminded me of a quilt that my grandmother made for me when I was a little girl out of my drawings. It is quite a keepsake!
I love the book idea! so sweet! I can't belive how big Eve is getting. She looks like a young lady. :) I laughed out loud at chicken-man. What a great mental image. Happy belated Mother's day, sounds like a perfect day to me.
Thanks! Yeah the chicken thing was super strange. We laughed it about it several times! It was just a WTH moment.
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