Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Past Week

So, my mother pointed out (again) this week, that I've been a very slack blogger. She said it nicer, but that's what she meant. I got a little out of it while at home I guess...but here it goes. Last week, CRH and I celebrated 9 years of marriage. I went back to work and am now starting to see a light at the end of the should occur next Wednesday if all goes as planned.
Our friends, Sarah and Penelope, came to visit last week, which was awesome. I wish they had stayed longer. Tuesday I was off and we went to Sunset Beach, ate at Ted's Bakery (yum, pie!), saw sea turtles, and had shave ice. The sea turtles were out en mass, but mostly in the water. I stood in the ocean up to my ankles and several of them kept swimming right by us. I was literally inches from them (and no, since there were a million volunteers out...I didn't touch).
Wednesday, I had to work but CRH was off. He took Sarah and P snorkeling while Eve was in school...she's wasn't so into the water since the jellyfish sting. While they were out, they saw a huge mama and a baby Eagle Ray. Then, they picked Eve up and went to another beach. We had dinner that night at Turtle Bay and then I had to take the Reiters back to the airport, bound for Maui. What a fun time!
The rest of the week was fairly ho-hum. Sunday we went to Shark's Cove and Eve would not get OUT Of the water. We told her that there are no jellyfish at Shark's Cove and she stayed in the entire time. She and CRH snorkeled all around. He actually went outside the cove and swam the entire way around it...if you've been then you know that this was impressive of him. I sunned on the beach and read my book (reading the True Blood series books - we both are and loving them).
Hurricane Felicia rained a little here today...seriously just a little.
No other real news...we saw this rainbow over Sunset Beach Saturday on the way to CRH's dental was just gorgeous.


Lori said...

Glad you are liking True Blood - have you watched the TV show? We just finished the 1st season on DVD. I'm waiting for the 2nd book from the library!

Amy said...

We are loving it. I sent your book back today, actually. I'm on the 2nd book now. CRH is well into the 4th one. We are Netflixing the series, so we've seen the 1st 2 shows. It's kind of cool!