Monday, September 22, 2008

The Great Tennis Shoe Debacle

It's official...we have an island girl on our hands. Eve has officially decided that close toed shoes suck...I'm pretty much with her...always have been. (Don't ask me to explain the 6 million pairs of them that I own though...I guess I'm always in search of a pair that doesn't suck.) She came home last week and announced that she really does need a pair of tennis shoes for PE. So being the efficient mother that I am, I promptly went online and got her a pair. They are and white with little charms on them. Tomorrow is PE, but she got them on Saturday in the mail and decided she wanted to wear them today. A decision she promptly regretted about 5 minutes after we should have already been out the door for school. She whined the entire ride about those stupid shoes. I anticipate she's driving poor Ms. Taylor mad right about now. They fit perfectly mind you...she just keeps saying they feel weird. Of course they do, she hasn't had a pair of close toed shoes on since April! I don't know what I'm going to do in December when we come home to 40 degree weather!
I hear it's fall in other places of the world. In honor of this, I'm changing the blog design to a fall themed one. It's still 80 degrees here with a nice breeze.


Lori said...

So my kids aren't island girls but they too are not fans of the tennis shoe. It's a fight every Wednesday when it's PE day and Emma has to wear her tennis shoes. My girls live in crocs or flip flops. Lily also has a huge issue with socks. She HATES them..not looking forward to those fights this winter...

Amy said...

I hear you...she went to PE today in sandals. I gave up...yesterday wore me out.